CHEYENNE, WYOMING –  Zonta of Cheyenne and their sponsored Triumph High School Z-Club will be holding a Silent Witness Procession through downtown Cheyenne on November 25th. The public is encouraged to join the procession from the Wyoming Capitol Building to the Laramie County Library in order to support raising awareness of domestic violence in the community. Those who wish to participate should meet at the Capitol Building at 9:30 a.m.  The procession will begin at 10 a.m.

During the procession, marchers will carry silhouettes of local victims of domestic violence. This year, there will also be a silhouette representing the indigenous women who have gone missing or who have been killed through violence. The silhouettes will then be placed at the Laramie County Library, along with the story of the violence to which they fell victim, and will be available for viewing through December 5th.

Upon arrive at the library, Mayor Orr will sign a proclamation condemning gender-based violence and supporting 16 Days of Activism to raise awareness about domestic violence in our community.  Governor Gordon is expected to issue a similar proclamation on behalf of the State of Wyoming.

Since 1991, this advocacy event has been used by over 6,000 organizations in 197 countries to send the message that gender-based violence is a violation of human rights.  Zonta of Cheyenne annually participates in the silent witness march on November 25th, the International Day Against Violence Against Women.  It is also the start of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, period of time when individuals and organizations from around the world call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.  Since 1991, more than 6,000 organizations in 197 countries have used this annual remembrance period to send the message that gender-based violence is a violation of basic human rights.

Questions about the silent witness march or 16 Days of Activism should be directed to Mary at .


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